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Lake Windermere - England's Largest Lake - What Secrets Does It Hold? |
David and I just returned from a very
restful week holiday up in the Lake District on the southern shores of
Lake Windermere. Lake Windermere is the largest natural lake in
England in the county of Cumbria within The Lake District National
Park. On the days when the weather was fairly decent we boarded a boat
and went down the lake passing by where Arthur Ransome's adventures of
the Walker children in Swallows and Amazons took place (and according
to the tour guide on the boat a new version of the adventure is to be
filmed there this summer).
as we sailed down this majestic lake I could not but
help thinking about the name 'Windermere' and what it means. Perhaps this
is one of the very beneficial (among many) effects that intense study of the works of
J.R.R. Tolkien has done for me. For Tolkien a story started with a
name ('To me a name comes first and a story follows.' - Letters, p. 219) His imaginative language work has heightened my awareness of names and the inherent
stories each proper name carries within it - a potential micro-narrative waiting for its story to be unearthed. So on my first night back
at the hotel I started thinking about what Windermere meant and to do
some linguistic sleuthing Tolkien style - and along the way encountered
several interesting connections to Tolkien himself!
found two key sources online to start my search. First is a book
Walter John Sedgefield's 'The Place Names of Cumberland and Westmorland'
from 1915 which is available on line. In this work Sedgefield states -
first element according to Wyld L. Pl. s. p. 266 appears to be a pers
N. with the Old Norse genitive ending with -ar Wyld notes that though
O.N. *Vigandr does not seem to be recorded, in exact OE Equivalent
Wignoth occurs several times (Searle). The second element is O.E. mere
'lake' 'pool' 'sheet of water'
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H.C. Kennedy Wyld's Universal Dictionary of the English Language |
The first reference Sedgefield is making is to the 1911 'The Place-Names of Lancashire' by Henry Cecil Kennedy Wyld (1870-1945). From 1904 to 1920, Wyld was Baines Professor of English Language and Philology, Liverpool University. From 1920 to his death in 1945 he was Professor of English Language and Literature at Oxford and seems to have been one of J.R.R. Tolkien's great allies in the bringing together of the literature and language curriculum at Oxford. According to Hammond and Scull's Chronology - Tolkien knew Wyld and on 20 May 1929 (while at Pembroke College) Wyld, Tolkien and C.T. Onions signed a letter to the Secretary of Facilities asking the University to appoint a lecturer in 'English Language' (Chronology, p.149). Tolkien also mentions him in a letter to Christopher when he learns that Wyld has died 'god rest his soul' and he needs to work on finding a replacement for him as Professor of English Language and Literature at Oxford (Letters, p.108).
second reference is to W.G. Searle (1830-1913) who was a Professor at
Queen's College. The listing is in Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum: A List
of Anglo-Saxon Proper Names from the Time of Beda to that of King John
(Cambridge, 1897).
earlier works are referenced by the Swedish philologist Eilert Ekwall (1877-1964) who wrote many books on the history of language but
is probably best known for his work on English Place names and personal
names. Tolkien definitely read and was inspired by Ekwall's works on
place names (a topic that I am currently in the process of researching).
When Tolkien was a Reader at Leeds University he reviewed several of
Ekwall's key works in the journals - The Years Work in English Studies 1923-1925.
his 1922 'The Place Names of Lancashire' Ekwall gives a 2 page focus to
the name Windermere and brings in the earlier works noted above.
This, so far, is the fullest philological treatment I can find on the
meaning of the name 'Windermere.'
first suggests that the name Windermere must be identical with that of
the name of a place near Great Asby in Wilmington called Winderwath
[near Penrith in Cumbria].
But Ekwall quickly dismisses this idea due to the fact that both place names are far
apart and must have been named independently of each other. 'This
shows' says Ekwall 'that Windermere can not have as its first element an
old name of the lake as might be supposed
Ekwall suggests that Winder is a personal name as has been supported by
Wyld and others (as above). Ekwall supports this theory by saying that
it is all the more probable as personal names are the first element of
the names Thurston Water and Ullswater in Cumbria.
The two examples Ekwall gives are interesting because both of them are examples of the English countryside having imprinted on them the names of past lost gods of England. One of the best studies of this is Brian Branston's The Lost Gods of England (Thames and London, 1957) which shows how they key Germanic gods worshiped by pre-Christain Anglo-Saxon inhabitants of England can be found in the name of English places.
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The Germanic God Ullr |
The two examples Ekwall gives are interesting because both of them are examples of the English countryside having imprinted on them the names of past lost gods of England. One of the best studies of this is Brian Branston's The Lost Gods of England (Thames and London, 1957) which shows how they key Germanic gods worshiped by pre-Christain Anglo-Saxon inhabitants of England can be found in the name of English places.
Lake Windermere, Ullswater is the second largest lake in The Lake
District. The first part of its name, according to website for the
Lake, may come from the Germanic God Ullr as their is also
evidence of the remains of a viking settlement nearby cammed Hodgson
Hill. Ullr is very interesting - he seems to have been a great
Germanic god who diminished and was replaced by Thor (becoming Thor's
step-son in some of the Edda accounts). His name may be connected to the
concept of glory. If indeed this is the meaning of
Ullswater as the second lake it must go way back to the first arrival of
the Anglo-Saxons from the North where the legend of Ullr may still have
been dominant.
Water is the third largest lake and is better known now as Coniston
Water - the name
'Thurston' is derived from the Norse god Thor. (Thunor) As Branston indicates
Thor (or Thunor) - along with Woden, Tiw and Frig - was one of the main
gods that Anglo-Saxon used to name places in England with (Thanet,
Thundridge, Thunderfield)
then Ekwall takes exception with Sedgefield and suggests another linguistic route - the name Vinandus which he suggests is a name from the Low German or Old Swedish. Ekwall suggests that this name may stem from the Old Norse vondr 'staff'. The
vondr connection is interesting given a page found at the back of Cleasby/Vigfusson's Old Norse dictionary called 'A List of British Rivers'
which list the roots for a series of rivers in Scotland and North England which are also found (and possibly have their origins) in Edda literature.
About a hundred in number, contained in old Icelandic alliterative memorial verses (inscribed á-heiti, i. e. names of rivers)
from MSS. of the Snorra-Edda (ii. 479, 480, of the 13th century; the
verses themselves may well be of the 12th century). Most of these rivers
seem to belong to the northern Scottish counties, Caithness, Ross,
Moray, Sutherland, and to the north-east of England.
Included in this list is - 'Vind (Vönd, Gm.)'
The ON word 'Vönd'
is found as the name of a river in the Poetic Edda in The Grimnismal (The Says of Grimnir) which describes a series of rivers that issue from
Hvergelmir - the bubbling boiling spring or well in Nifelheim from
which all cold rivers sprang.
28. Vino is one, | Vegsvin another,
And Thjothnuma a third;
Nyt and Not, | Non and Hron,
Slith and Hrith, | Sylg and Ylg,
Vith and Von, | Vond and Strond,
Gjol and Leipt, | that go among men,
And hence they fall to Hel.
And Thjothnuma a third;
Nyt and Not, | Non and Hron,
Slith and Hrith, | Sylg and Ylg,
Vith and Von, | Vond and Strond,
Gjol and Leipt, | that go among men,
And hence they fall to Hel.
commentary comes from a very interesting site that has many of the
early versions of the Eddas and other materials from Norse mythology - quite a treasure trove.
this idea also suggests another link to Tolkien - if vondr is
related to gandr in terms of a wand or switch this possibly means that
the WINDER- is related to the same world that forms the name of our good
friend the Istari Gandalf - coming from the Old Norse (and right from
the Dvergatal list in the Eddas - Gand-alfr - wand or magic staff elf. But there is more work to be done here as according to Cleasby/Vigfusson the exact meaning of Gandr and Vondr is quite vexed (ah a linguistic crux for further exploration!). Towards this research there is an interesting passage in a book by John McKinnell Meeting the Other in Norse Myth and Legend
in which he explores the concepts of gandr and possible linguistic connection to vond (although I am still not entirely convinced by the linguistic movement from ge-vond/gand - more work to be done here).
concludes his study of Windermere by stating that the Winander- part
represents the genitive singular of an Old Scandinavian name Vinundr the
genitive form Vinandar. The Mere of Vinandar
if Vin = vond could in some sense mean either stick (describing the
straightness of the lake) or magic there is also a suggestion that the
second element UNDR also has a fantastical sense. Undr
is the Norse world for 'wonder' and forms the verb 'undra' to wonder
at, be amazed - an 'undra-sjonir' was a wonder to see a spectacle. http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/html/oi_cleasbyvigfusson/b0654.html
So clearly there is a sense that this lake the largest in the area would have been significant to the inhabitants of the area. I find it interesting that the other two largest lakes, as we have seen
above, are both names that have within them echoes of the Lost Gods of
England (Ullr and Thor) and it seems odd that Windermere would not as
well. Perhaps the Undra part of the name is pointing to some element
of wonder or amazement that may have its origins in a lost god of the
As I was doing this preliminary investigation into the meaning of Lake Windermere and the mysteries that the understanding of the name might disclose - I thought about what it must have been like on 24 September 1914 when the young J.R.R. Tolkien while staying at his Aunt Jane Neave's farm in Phoenix Farm in Gedling near Nottingham discovered the name Earendel and from his linguistic exploration - his 'finding out' what the name and the story behind it was - gave birth to an entire new mythology.
As a great teacher (master in the Latin magister sense) who I very much respect and admire recently said to me 'Words can lead you into uncharted territory - both literally and figuratively Sleuth on!'
A crux for exploration begins - all from England's largest river!
As I was doing this preliminary investigation into the meaning of Lake Windermere and the mysteries that the understanding of the name might disclose - I thought about what it must have been like on 24 September 1914 when the young J.R.R. Tolkien while staying at his Aunt Jane Neave's farm in Phoenix Farm in Gedling near Nottingham discovered the name Earendel and from his linguistic exploration - his 'finding out' what the name and the story behind it was - gave birth to an entire new mythology.
As a great teacher (master in the Latin magister sense) who I very much respect and admire recently said to me 'Words can lead you into uncharted territory - both literally and figuratively Sleuth on!'
A crux for exploration begins - all from England's largest river!
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